Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas.
Here is my Christmas poem to you...
The snow smells good from over here
and your heart warmth is loud and strong;
like it's speaking in Tongues
all while the Hymnal sits comfortably in your palms
I close my eyes just to remember you laughing on the sleigh
And as I open them the music plays quickly
and I see myself in you
Oh, how the Ocean separates!
And a plane couldn't fly me quick enough to you.
My dreams are still our loves salvation road and as you sing your heart song,
I'll sing mine
And tomorrow night when you fill my lonely plate,
I'll lift my eyes to the moon and thank God for this food.
Oh, how the Ocean separates
but oh, thank God for Bethlehem!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The muchly overdue UPDATE!
Twelve days till Christmas!? I can't believe it! The only change in seasons here is that the rains have stopped and the gorgeous winds have taken the raindrop's place! It's cooling down at night time to around 20 C and up to 30 in the day time. E. and I have been out for more walks at night and we are thoroughly thankful that we aren't drenched in sticky sweat ALL day. We're bringing out the jeans a bit more and even sweaters on some nights!! I think I may get frost bitten in July when I return to Canada's temperatures!
Oh! I still miss ski-doing with Matthew or skating on the river with Lenny or x-country skiing with Uncle Alvin or Loni. I miss sledding with the boys and cozying into bed with a comforter. I miss.....SNOW!! (i actually really do. no sarcasm here. nope!)
Okay, what can I tell you about what's been up with me?? many things.
Well, I've been VERY busy this week. I've been facilitating a YWAM group from Colorado Springs. It was a last minute decision to have them come to Daughter's and Ruth asked me if I would step up. And...I DID!! They have been wonderful. They are teaching workshops on child care i.e. child abuse, hygiene, dental health, baby development, etc. Also they have taught on Domestic Violence i.e. the cycle of violence, what to do, etc. And they most recently spoke about tidiness, cleanliness and organization. Our cake making girls had a full cleaning overall on Thursday afternoon!! Spick and Span, as my mom would say!!
So I haven't been working in the clinic at all this week. It felt a bit strange but I am enjoying the break and the refreshed vision I have for myself. The team is sticking around for 3 more weeks at Daughter's. I am heading out of town for the Christmas Holidays with E.'s family from the 22nd till the 28th of December so I am not sure who's going to facilitate the team while I'm gone. I'm sure it'll all work out.
Everyone here drives with motto s. Everyone. That is the vehicle of the country. There are cars but most everyone has at least one motto per family. One day traffic was especially tight and slow so E. and I hopped off the motto and walked the rest of the way. I got off on the Right side and touched the exhaust!! My leg instantly burned with pain. I had touched my inner calf of my right leg to the exhaust and had burned myself...BADLY. It is okay now but it will scar quite definitely. It's approximately two inches in diameter. Pink, healthy skin. But a mother of a scar!! You'll see it soon!! It is very common for Cambodians to have at least one major burn from a motto. They call it the Kampuchea Kiss. So...I guess I've been branded. Should I count myself lucky?
Ruthie the nurse I work with will leave the second week in January to pursue other Cambodian adventures so I will be running solo (but we all know I really won't be;)). It is not by my power but by God's. I truly believe that. Everything will be fine...
Talk to you later,
from the one with an ugly burn on her not so white legs anymore,
Happy Holidays....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Rabbits and Elephants
I had the most lovely weekend so I have to tell you all about it! OBVIOUSLY!! Or should I say Obv!?
Okay, so we have a friend working in Kampot town named Jennie (she's from England). Kampot is a province southwest of Phnom Penh. E. and I travelled via Taxi to Kampot town on Friday after E. got off work (approximately 2.5-3 hours). When you think of Taxi you may think 'posh' or 'roomy' or maybe even 'relaxing'. I need you all to STOP picturing this when I say; "We went in a taxi"! The Cambodian people here like to PACK their taxi's full to make the most of the situation...your view of the taxi ride should be shifting a bit now! We rented 4 seats...meaning we got 3 seats by Cambodian measure. There were 4 poor souls in the front! There sat a grown young man by the window of the driver seat, then the driver, then another grown man and then an old woman!! Half way to Kampot the man beside the old lady vomited!!! Very bad. Very bad.
We enjoyed the ride though...thinking none of them spoke english we chatted about their face masks and their funny sounding language...then we got to Kampot and the man who puked turned around and asked in perfect English, "Where are you going?" Eek!
We spent the night at Jennie's house and then woke early to watch a dress rehearsal of the Epic Art's dance performance. Jennie works with an organization called Epic Arts. They teach dance to physically disabled children/young people. The dancers are all deaf except for a couple of them. There are also some people in wheel chairs. They danced beautifully! They used the chairs and flipped each other around and ... I was in heaven watching them! Very moving. I wanted to dance right along with them! LJ; we are definitely taking a dance class when i get back! Get ready Leisure Guide!
Then we got into a tuk tuk after our large breakfast to make our way to Kep, a small fishing town. On the way me and the ladies were laughing about things, and i was trying to take in the green of the rice fields and the lovely faces of the Khmer children waving frantically while yelling "Hello!"....I was so busy being swept up in my imagination and my daydreaming of me living as a child not on a farm in Manitoba but on a farm in Cambodia...that I did not realize that the LARGE and TALL and DARK figure on the side of the road was indeed an ELEPHANT!! It took me about 3 seconds to shout: "What the heck? It's an elephant girls!" Our tuk tuk stopped and we took some pics! Amazing. Except I was a bit scared. It was moving a lot!!!!
Then we continued on our way. We rented a little fishing boat to take us across the ocean water to Rabbit Island! It's a small island mainly used as a little retreat destination. They have small and simple bamboo huts with only a foamy on the ground with a small pillow each and a mosquito net to protect you. And the women make you rice or noodles fried with fresh shrimp/crab/chicken/pork. It was very relaxing. I lied in a hammock most of the time and stared out across the water to the mountains of Vietnam! I felt amazingly lucky and blessed to lie on a beach, to each shrimp and swim in the sunset lit waters! My life has brought me to such amazing places...and I am cherishing every minute of every opportunity. I wish you all could've been there!
It was also a bit funny! Of Course! While lying in a hammock I heard the cows moo behind me, chickens peck beside me, and goats get into trouble with the laundry lines!!! Such strange sounds and sights and SMELLS to have on a tropical island! But I felt very thankful that there were cows amongst us! I love cows. I love them very much.
We woke up at 6 am with the rooster crows and got a boat back to the mainland. Our taxi ride back to P.P. wasn't nearly as packed. Three in the front, three in the back!
I hope that paints a picture for you all! Oh, and I got a bit sun burnt, of course.
Please pray for my lower back. It is very painful. I think my foamy is a bit of a problem maker;)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
chicken feathers?!
Oh, and the air today smells like burning/singed chicken feathers! Reminds me of those chicken butcher days on the farm!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Self harm.
Today I decided to go early to the clinic. Not sure why but felt like I had made a decision to leave earlier really without even making it!! Weird. Anyways, I get to work and without going straight to the clinic and unpacking my books and such, i went upstairs to say hello to the reasons i work where I work; to the Daughter's!!
I occasionally do this just to announce my presence and let them all know that if they need me that i would be in the clinic. Anyways, I walk in to the sewing room and immediately walk towards a new girl. I look down and to my horror I see an AWFUL, gaping laceration to her forearm. It was the worst self harm wound I have ever seen. Her subcutaneous tissue was spewing out and the cut was dangerously close to her brachial artery! I gasped. She was embarrassed and I realized i had to contain my surprise a little better!! I excused her from working and took her to my clinic. I grabbed my lovely Chantrea, our translator and had to take her into my little water closet (aka toilet) b/c the power had gone out and my WC is the only room in my clinic with a window. So we huddled around the toilet and I assessed the situation. She was holding back tears of fear and tears of brokenness.
I dressed and cleaned the wound and quickly wrote her a referrel form for CSI clinic here in P.P. Before sending her off I prayed for her. That our Love and the Love of the Lord would be obvious to her. And that her angels would protect her from any future harm. I also told her that she was not in trouble and that we were not sending her away b/c we were unhappy with her. But b/c we loved her and cared for her.
She's been working at Daughter's for 5 days! Thank God that she was guided to work here so that we could help her! Another thing that i am thankful for is that she kept her shirt sleeve up so that she did not have it hidden from my eye sight. Her other sleeve was covering her arm and that arm had no lacerations on it!
I wish to remain faithful and follow the guidance that dwells deep down in my soul. So that I will not miss any opportunities to aid in the healing and care of any of His beloved children!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Kampuchea Rains
I'm feeding children apples and elephants money
and my angels are jumping off buildings in their spare time.
These midday winds still clear my mind
and the Kampuchea Rains purify my heart while the dirt still sticks to my shoes.
The moments flip over each other so fast your face got lost weeks ago
and when the babies come running for help;
I see tears in the angels eyes.
And I don't know if I'll be able to meet you on the other side
cause your eyes, i know, can't see the angels cry.
My heart contains both the scents of a Holy Glory and the sour taste of Ache
And I don't know what I'll do with you when the power strikes true
or if the River swells above you-- I might just have to jump through;
cause I left my body back there with you when the plane took flight
but your pretty eyes keep looking to the East
And I wonder what you're going to do when your body gets left behind.
Will you follow it back to the Beginning of Time or silently blow it a kiss good-bye?
All while the Kampuchea Rains fall fast...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Meet me on the otherside.
Phnom Penh has just finished it's humongous water festival. There are boat races in the mekong river and teams from all over the country come to the city to have a festival! The city swells with 2 million guests! Amazing, huh?
E. and I took a little walk down to the river yesterday to see the boats and people watch. Many of the people who come from the province for the festival are very "rural"...and are even more awestruck by white skin then the usual P.P. dwellers. Fun times, fun times!
While E. and I were people watching, drinking some iced coffee, and discussing our love for P.P., three lovely young boys spotted us and decided to make us their friends. They said they were around 12-15 years old but i would put them at around 10/11 years. We named them; Nuon (b/c he looks like my lovely tall friend at the gym), Capitain (b/c he was the leader of the posie, hands down. Despite his short height he was a child of confidence), and lastly Goalie (b/c he said that when he grew up he wanted to play Football).
They came to our table at the outdoor restaurant and we smiled and they smiled and through our LOVELY waitor, we asked them about themselves. Oh, they are adorable young men! They acted so mature and stood with their arms crossed, their legs crossed...but their smiles gave them away!! They would go and walk around and then always come back to us. Eventually they asked if they could have 500 riels each to buy icecream. 1500 riels is about 27 cents. So E. gave them a dollar so that they could get a real treat for the three of them. Their eyes were wide with excitement. They ran off and then they returned again!! They had boughten us a bag of sugar canes for us to eat. They had used the money we had given them to also buy us a treat too!! They were honestly thankful for our gift to them and we were so happy that they had come back!! (side note: the sugar canes actually weren't that good...i hid them on my lap so that when they returned they would think we had eaten them! What?! I didn't want to break their precious hearts!)
They told us that they played football together. And when they came to say goodbye to us and to tell us that they were going to play football we asked if we could follow!! They took us through the crowded streets. Always a couple steps ahead but always looking back with their lovely white teeth to make sure we were okay!
We got to a little park filled with football players and we sat on a bench and watched our lovely boys play. (Goalie boy obviously played goalie, Capitain was a firey little offense player and Nuon squatted on the side...maybe not so good at football? Who knows!) I felt like my mom when i was a little girl. Sitting by the pool while little Kimmy screamed for her to "watch mom, watch me do this!" I pretended they were my nephews; Cameron and Mitchy. I sat there in complete contentment! I felt so much love for these little wonders. And I prayed as I sat there, "God, bless my boys! Bless their hearts!"
We had to eventually leave. But I hope to find my way back there again soon. To see my little boys again and to bless them, like they blessed me that day.
God, bless my boys!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Dwight Schrute and Dog heads
E. and I made our way on a little motto to Toul Kork to visit our Canadian (Regina/Calgary) friends to watch the new Office episodes. It was dark, around 7pm, while we tried to find their house so it made it a bit more difficult. You see, in Phnom Penh, NO ONE knows street numbers or house numbers or numbers, really, at all! It's about land marks. So when our friend tells us a street number it means nothing to anyone else except little E. and I.
So we had to turn around a lot and re route and say sorry over and over to our poor, confused motto dop! BUT we found it. They live on the second floor of an apartment. And right outside their apartment is a little restaurant. And guess what they sell? Dog heads!! Yep. We had a little sneak peak of the meal too! E. was pointing it out and I couldn't really believe it until I saw it. So I walked up to this very smelly and hot stove/fire pit and I saw it! A dog's head that was roasted and I think skinned. It's teeth were bared and I don't remember any eye balls or ears cause all I could focus on were these teeth!
We had to walk through the third world practically to get up to their apartment and we watched the three new episodes!! FUNNY. They made cookies for us too by frying the batter in a pan. We have no ovens so this is the way!
Then on saturday we went to the gym/pool and to a foot ball game! Cambodia vs. Brunei. Cambodia won! AND....I gave my phonenumber to a Cambodian sweet heart!! I know I know. Why would I do that? But to tell you the truth; he just sucked me in. He's 23 and goes to uni. And I will never see him again...even if he texts me late at night saying he is lonely!! Shame shame.
Then we went later to a photo exhibition near our home. The photographers were children from the Stung Meanchey landfill. Gorgeous and moving photos from the eyes of children! Of course seeing how it was a combo of Stung Meanchey, Photography, and children...I was in my element. AND E. picked up a kitten and we petted it!! It felt like my birthday I said. .....we love cats. Obv.
Then we went to Church today. The morning and evening service. I have no words to express to you the encouragement I have received from the New Life Church. There are a couple church's here by that name but this one is on St. 318, if you know the city...which I know some of you reading do;)
I am learning of the power of our God and the sadness He holds for Cambodia. He revealed to me that when the rain comes it is His tears flowing down; it is His love. He sends His heart and peace to us everyday to reveal to us that He has not forgotten Cambodia. He is aching and He is crying. He also revealed to me while watching little girls dancing and jumping in church tonight that we are His children. And that when the rains of Love pour down, that we are not just to walk and run for shelter from the wet...but we are to jump in the puddles...we are to be drenched in His love.
We are seen. We are loved. We are free.
Now go and live the Life He has prepared for you!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Ponder Ponder Ponder Ponder...
Sometimes I just feel like I am going to explode! Today our three month anniversary of being in Cambodia. And it feels like it's been longer and at the same time I just am floored to think that it's been three months already!! Ahhh!
I thought that by this time I would have everything figured out. You know; the poverty bit, or the cultural shocks, or knowing where I fit, or, well...I don't know. But...tah ta da dah! I DON'T!
I am more torn as the days go by. Questions such as:
Why and how can this kind of poverty exist?
What does God think of this?
How do I, personally, make sense of it all?
How do I go home now after all this?
How can we live so obliviously to it in Canada?
What should I do when June '09 comes around?
I'm all by myself at the clinic now. Nurse Ruth has her family here for the next month and a half so I am the chief Nurse at Daughter's clinic!! Me?! Kimmy bimmy simmy?! Oh dear. And I've already had quite a week! I'm back from Dengue Fever Hell and I am faced with the area we work in in P.P. again. The stink, the filth, the dead chickens, the smelly children, the brothels, the scary men who say 'sexy lady' to me in my sweaty-ness!!
Like today for instance. My patient's consisted of:
1. infected rat bites. They bite her while she sleeps. I had to pop her with antibiotics!!
2. incomplete abortion. She's decided the baby really wants to stay so she'll let it. Her words.
3. genital herpes. enough said.
4. domestic violence. He's African. She's Khmer. She tried to hide it. I questioned further.
5. back pain, headaches due to insomnia, nautious pregnancies, etc.
The list goes on.
BUT...I love being here still! Weird! I love being 'in' it. Hearing the stories and fighting back this innate sense to keep it at a distance. I love the challenge of stripping away my Western views and looking right in the eyes of these girls and realizing, really knowing, inside this little heart, that this is reality. This is not a movie. And what can I do for them?
It is draining and inspiring and invigorating and...obviously I'm a bit tired at night! I worry about not being enough. About not being a good nurse for them. Will I make it while Nurse Ruth is gone?
I took two girls to get a scan of their unborn babies today at RHAC! 11 whole dollars. One little boy is due 12/12/2008 and a little girl is due on 11/02/2009!! I wish you all could've seen the mother's faces when they saw the ultrasound of their babies! It was like it was all worth it. I got a little choked up myself. of course. These women have no idea. They are carrying a life b/c they have decided to let it live. Amongst all the babies that die everyday by abortions...they are the lucky babies. I think about these babies and who they will be. Will they be the future generation who will DO something about the poor area we work in? Will they love God? Will they even survive?
I should just stop myself ramblings could go on...
I see rats, giant gecko's and bats everyday! And instead of getting thicker skin...I am more terrified of them as the days go on! I am....pathetic.
Nurse Kimberly....aka Srey Kim.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Dengue Fever
No need to get worried. Thankfully I seem to have contracted the mild version. My symptoms are textbook though. It's weird reading signs and symptoms for an illness and having every single one of them!
They include: fatigue, joint pain, a persistent headache, back pain, poor appetite, a red rash that begins on the legs and chest, fever and... cough cough...toilet issues. And apparantly symptoms last for around 7-8 days.
Ruthie has encouraged me to get my blood examined to confirm that I do indeed have a mild case of the illness and not the Hemorrhagic strain. She has advised me to stay home this week as well.'s Wednesday last time I checked and I can't wait for E. to get home from work. I've been watching The Office reruns and I'm beginning to scare myself with Dwight Schrute impersonations.
Oh dear.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Hip Hip Horray!!
E. and I were invited to a Canadian families house for Thanksgiving last night. We gathered all the Canadians we knew for a special "family" dinner! It was great. (E. and I brought buns...lame...but very important!) It was nice to have English filling my ears ALL night. Our new Canadian friends from church also were there. Lot's of laughs and funny discussions about "The Office"...they are also fans. I tried to do an impersonation of Angela but I think I can blame my awful performance on the fact that I am ill....(it involved apple cidar)
On our way home from the event my bag was almost stolen. A man on a motto drove up behind us (E. and I were doubling on a motto) and grabbed it while I was pointing to something (probably a kitten;)). I quickly pulled it back and he was unable to get it! It had my wallet, camera, phone and keys in it! The strange thing is that he was a MAN! And I'm Kimmy...with pipes the size of, let's say; a smokey! How did I do that? And how could I be so quick to react? I am surely THANKFUL!! My heart was a poundin' when we got home!
This week has been extremely difficult for me. E. and I have both started to feel ill beginning on saturday and I have gotten worse. On Thursday a dear little 7 year old girl came to me in the clinic and said her tummy hurt. Thank goodness my translator was there to ask more questions. She went on to tell us that not only did her tummy hurt but also her vagina. She told us that in the night three "ghosts" that looked like men took her from her home and held her down by her neck, hands and legs. She said that worms were on her. I have a couple ideas what they could be. She was so scared when it happened that she kept her eyes closed and didn't see who it was. I was able to do a rape assessment on her and confirm that she was indeed assaulted.
We were able to have her gramma agree to give her to us and to make a long story short, we have found her and her older brother a lovely place at Place of Rescue to live, with Marie Ens!!
This was very hard for me. She is an innocent, gorgeous little girl who shouldn't have to worry about things like this! She was very distraught and sad when she first came to me. Chantrea, my translator/counsellor and I took her to the counselling room and we were with her all afternoon. Chantrea got her to use teddy bears to explain what had happened to her. I wasn't able to understand what she was saying in Khmer but by watching the actions of the teddy bears alone, I was able to get an idea. I watched her little mouth moving and high-pitched sweet voice speak and I wanted to take this all away. This day will go down in history as a day of pain AND freedom for her! "Out of ashes, there is beauty"....
I started to pray for her. I prayed that her pain would be taken away. And that if it was possible, I would shoulder her burdens. At around 3pm I started to feel awful. My back and legs ached tremendously. My head pounded. Even my jaw was tight. Another counsellor named Elizabeth from Switzerland told me that often caregivers who pray for physical pain to flee their clients will sometimes begin to feel that same pain in their bodies. I was exhausted when I got home. And teh next morning I woke up with a terrible migraine and I was fevered. I had to stay home from work.
I still am not 100% again but I am sleeping well at night and resting as much as possible.
I am amazed that what I thought were my own small plans for a Cambodian Adventure were actually all part of a bigger plan. And I am so thankful that my little girl could trust to come to ME and share with ME such horrific things.
My prayer is that not only am I placed on this earth to live, but to help other's to survive...
Love your Shy Birdie X
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Wish I were there...
Well, I haven't shared since our holidays to the beach! It was lovely, wet, and an adventure for sure! It's the rainy season so of course it rained EVERYDAY...but we managed to get a tan, eat good food, go bush wacking and make new friends!
This past Saturday some staff from Daughter's and I took 10 children to a water park! We piled all 10 of them in a tuk tuk and then the rest of us traveled by motto. It was so much fun!! Some of the kids had never swam before and they tried their hardest but drowned frequently. I was the nurse/lifeguard with Nurse Ruth and we definetly had our hands full! Children drowning left and right was not part of our SAturday Outing plan..but oh well, we managed to pile them back into the tuk tuk and got them home in one piece for their Mama's!! (Just to add; they laughed hysterically at my bathingsuit! It was a tankini for goodness sakes!)
There is a wonderful school called Luxton School in the north end of Winnipeg that my nephews went to for a while. They have this family center that the mom's and their younger children can hang out in and wait for their children to be done for the day. Of course I popped in every once in a while and became Aunty Kim to all of the little kids! I thought of them today as I had to babysit a 3 week old baby girl and our little Caleb (11 months old) while their mom's worked upstairs and while I oversaw a cocconut/christmas decoration making class I run every tues/thurs. I pretended I was in Winnipeg and that the baby who just peed on me was Vicky's little Graham!! They call me Ming Kim here. Ming means aunty! Ahhh....I like the sound of that!

Ruthie on the left, then E., Charlotte (our new friend from UK) and me!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I've downloaded two more videos for you all! It rained hard this week and I think I captured it perfectly. E. was feeling rather adventurous and wanted to prove to you all the RAIN we have to endure. These videos were taken at the beginning of the typhoon (i thoroughly enjoy using that word) can imagine how much more rain filled the streets later on;)
We had a holiday this past Wednesday. It was Constitution day, I believe. Obviously not that big of a deal cause I had to work! After work I met up with some of the staff for a supper meeting at Sovanna Shopping Center...except of course, I went to the wrong shopping center and had to make them wait while I took another motto to get to the actual destination! Yes, these happenings seem to happen often! I'm beginning to think they are part of my character....sadly.
Anyways, the story isn't about me getting mixed up! It's about my journey to the actual destination that brought me such trauma. Okay it was around 5:30/6pm, so it was getting dark. I had taken a motto that I knew from our corner. Reliable. Trustworthy. But when the darkness set in I felt a bit unsafe. On the way to the first center the clouds started to darken. I was scared it was going to break out in thunder any minute.
All of a sudden I heard sirens. I looked back to see not 4, but 5 half tons filled with millitary staff. They were armed. Automatically I froze with fear. My motto slowed down and hugged the curb. My mind started to race. It was Constitution Day. I thought about all the stories I had heard about Pol Pot, about when the people thought they could celabrate because of their independence but instead they were massacred. My mind automatically went to the most horrific places. "I'm going to die", I thought. Yep. It's the end.
As the trucks passed me, the soldiers of course noticed my white skin. I was both scared and embarrassed at the same time. What to do? I smiled! Oh dear. Well, honestly, what else was I supposed to do? They had guns for goodness sake!! They passed. No gun shots. No death....yet. (excuse my over dramatization of such a simple, silly event...but I am Kimberly Foster...and it is a bit scary to see shotguns!)
Later on in my travels to the "right" shopping center, I came across a major motto accident. Three mottos involved. I only saw one casualty; a large laceration to the ride leg. I was still scared spitless about the rifles so I stuck to my motto dop like a burr to a cat, no way was I going to attempt to get off and help him! I think the mottos involved were hauling tubs of petrol b/c there was petrol all over the street. I was worried something would catch it on fire and I hoped my motto dop would not drive through it! But...he did. I put my little white arms about my motto dops waist and prayed for God to take me quickly!
Needless to say, I survived the entire evening without any bullet wounds or burns!
Thank you for your continued prayers of safety and can see how much I need them!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Officially pumped.
It's Festival of the Dead. I'm not even gonna attempt to write the Khmer name for it! Buddhist Cambodians head to the temples during this very "special" festival to offer sacrifices and gifts to Buddha. Let's just say the monks will eat well.
Big EZ and I are heading out of town though to the BEACH. Sihanoukville to be exact. It's about a 2 hour bus ride from lovely PP. Our beautiful hotel is equiped with AC, a pool, free breakfast, two single beds and is a hop skip and a jump from the ocean. And the going rate is a whapping 20 USD!
Okay, so the beach excites me; tanning the bod, reading a good book and sleeping... but what I'm most excited about is one of our day trips that we're planning. It's to Ream National Park. About half an hour motto ride (apparantly) from Sihanoukville to the...jungle! We're going on a boat tour through the Mangroves to an island where we can go snorkeling around the corral! And yes Crystal, I do recognize that snorkeling involves fish being around me but I'm gonna do it! And we also are going to take a hike through the jungle. I'll be sure to post some pics of our adventure!
Before I get into the rest of my post I want to share some things that Eileen and I experienced this past weekend.
1. My motto driver Run is OFFICIALLY obsessed with me! He calls me on the weekends, he surprises me when I'm walking down the street with a "free" motto ride down the block, he sits outside our gate so that I HAVE to use him to get to work, AND he has now bought a brand new motto to impress me on the weekends with! It's green, so I think it's nice...E. thinks it's ugly.
2. We met some possible new friends at church. They are Canadians! She's working with Samaritan's Purse and he is an Engineer. I was so excited to talk to them I got a little giggly, loud and overdramatic...needless to say they still wanted our numbers. Yes!
3. And finally, while eating lunch after Church at Boddhi Tree a MASSIVE rat ran right beside my foot! It was probably a foot long, not including the tail!
Today was Brothel Outreach again. We took a short motto ride through the CRAZY traffic where one of our girl's lives. It seemed like a busy place! The owner of the brothel came and introduced himself to Ruthie and I. He was quite proud of himself and very hospitable to us!
It began raining as soon as we sat down inside on the wooden framed beds. No mattresses. No pillows. Just a mat. All of the children ran outside for a shower! Completely stripped down right infront of us and had a little bit of a wash! Even the Yay's (gramma's) stripped half way naked and cooled off! It was a funny sight. I guess thinking about it; it's a strange thing to sit on a bed with half naked men in a brothel!! Yet it was so normal.
The gramma's are so cute. They all have shaved heads and they have the worst teeth ever! Today they got really close and looked like they wanted to eat me! Don't worry, I got away.
We treated about 30 people today. I had 3 women with serious STI issues, numerous men with gastric reflux, some MAJOR hypertensive women and one girl with an actual perforated ear drum!! We passed out a lot of condoms to the extremely embarassed and also extremely ripped guys and then we were on our way.
Here's a short video of the Tuol Thom Pong market:
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A Heart Overflowing.
Also, sadly the girl who was gang raped is riddled with STI's and the doctors have advised us taht it is better if she aborts. We are also worried she may commit suicide. She has already shared that she tries punching the baby and has thrown herself on her tummy on a chair recently....I am lost in sadness. Please, keep her in your thoughts. I visited her home yesterday so that she can believe we truly care for her. I love her.
I have been given much! I was born in Dauphin, Manitoba, CANADA; a small town filled with farmers, horsemen and cattlemen...oh, and parogies! I grew up with clean air, food, friends, and family. I learned about hard work on the farm- how to move cattle, how to ride a horse, how to call a kitty, and how to gut a chicken! I learned both pain, disappointment AND forgiveness and love as I grew up as a young little brown eyed girl in my families home.
I was for some reason blessed with a heart overflowing. I've always known that God had a special plan for me. My heart has always physically ached to help this world. Whether it be in Dauphin, reserves in N.Saskatchewan, Vancouver, El Salvador, Peru, Churchill or a hog farm south of WPG. My prayer is that I would see what God sees...and that I would be forever changed. "The heart that breaks open can contain the whole Universe." Joanna Macy.
My spirit was broken this past year and my heart became lost. My desire to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with my God was nolonger there. I hated the Fruit's of the Spirit. I turned my eyes from God. But God had a bigger plan for me and He wasn't willing to lose this one lost sheep in the millions!
He took me to Peru and reminded me why I became a Nurse-He reminded me of the Passions and gifts that He had chosen for me. He used my love for the children of Peru to bring me out of the darkness. I was given a vision; He was running to find me. He would NOT give up on me!
Then without even knowing why, on a dark, snowy night on a bus bound for Dauphin, departing from Winni, I bolted straight up with the realization that I was going to CAMBODIA. I didn't know what I would do, where I would live, how I would afford it or why I should go there. But God has revealed to me little by little why.
It's b/c of that little girl who was begging on the st. in the rain and without any money I kissed my empty palms and placed them in hers.
It's for that little girl at Daughter's with a snotty nose, and an empty belly who I feed at lunch.
It's for that little boy who was thrust into my arms at the brothel who was on the verge of death who we later were blessed with a hospice AIDS room for.
It's for those motto drivers on the corner who have been financially blessed by us-they can feed their families.
It's for that one Daughter's girl who was raped everynight by her brother in law who we prayed for and she was given a safer place to stay.
And It's for that little boy who I was blessed to feed this past saturday.
it's one child at a time. One patient at a time.
Marilee Dunker, the daughter of the man (don't remember his name) who founded World Vision, said it best at church this last sunday about the injustice in this world; the question isn't what are you gonna do about it, it's WHAT AM I GONNA DO ABOUT IT?
To whom much has been given, much is expected. I have taken that to heart. I now see that it doesn't just mean money, power, or also means love. I have a heart that loves with a mighty wave...therefore I need to use that love. I need to share that love. (plus, honestly if I didn't...I just might explode...)
I do not know what I will do after this year. But I do know that whether it's in the mountains of Pakistan or in the kitchen with a baby on my hip in Winni- I will love with the Love God has poured into me and I will be thankful.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Gang Rape.
The clinic is always a challenge. I've only been a nurse for a short time and if I didn't have Nurse Ruth here to guide my little mind I probably would sit down and explode. period.
Seeing how we diagnose, treat, medicate, refer, and CURE things without a doctor I am learning things that I've never learnt at school...oh, U of M...
Yet there are other aspects beyond what to do when a patient comes in with what you thought was an infected ingrown hair and returns 3 days later with a ghastly edematous neck and an abcess the size of Manhattan! Yes. Or a girl that tried to abort her baby but it continued to grow even though it was poinsoned. (How do I explain that the baby may have been affected?)
There are things of an emotional, spiritual and psychological nature that demand our attention. Such as a new pridicament, if you'd call it that, that I was welcomed into later last night. Boss Ruth asked if Nurse Ruth and I if we would by any means bend the rules on abortion? There is a girl that just started with us. She is from the provinces (they use this word to explain anyone who lives outside of PP) and is new to town with no relatives around...and she was gang raped by NINE men and is now pregnant. Alone. Pregnant. Raped. Traumatized.
Well...this unfortunetly is not a book that you may be reading, or a movie or a dream...this is REALITY. And I am faced with it and I am amongst the ones that have to provide an answer. How the hell can this happen to a poor soul? Nurse Ruth and I had a phone tele conference and both decided that we could not think that aborting this baby would solve her problems. She will be forever scarred by this happening and although it is her decision still, she won't take away the pain by taking away the baby. I am shocked by my view on this actually. At home, I would've hands down given into abortion. I would've seen it as torture to the mom. BUT...there are tons of options here.
We, at the clinic have decided to pay for the births (30.00), so if it is finances that are the problem we would supplement. Also, there are other places like Place of Rescue that she could turn to where they would provide a place to live, give birth and leave the baby in a safe place.
We've also lost a girl to the sex-trade again. Her mother sold three of this girl's older sisters to be brothel workers and now her. We went to her home to see if we could find her but she is no where to be found. We saw her walking down the street when we were in our tuk tuk's on the way to the AFESIP clinic. She had matured in a blink of an eye. Changed. She was full of hate for us and didn't even acknowledge our waves and greetings. She was hardened.
They use drugs and alcohol in the beginnings to get them hooked. Then it's as if they are in a jail with no walls. They are psychologically trapped.
If you really wish to know how Kimberly's Cambodian Adventure's are going...I honestly have to share ALL of it. The dirty and the joyful.
When you pray for me. Pray for them as well. They need it more then I do.
Love Kimmy Alice.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Beggar Boy
Hi! I thought I would just quickly give you a play by play of our saturday yesterday.
Every Saturday we make our way after our breakfast to Hotel Cambodiana, aka HC, to go to the Physique Club to work our physiques into wonderment! Saturdays are a bit more relaxed at the gym in terms of gym worker boys staring at E. and I the ENTIRE time we work out. No word of a lie; they actually stand right behind our treadmills or behind our bicycles and listen to everything we are saying!! Or as in my case on thursday night; they stand behind you as you lift your measley 3 kg weights and tell you you are pretty while you sweat buckets! I find it gives me a bit more energy to finish my workout;), but E. on the other hand can't wait for Saturdays cause Ronnie and Nuan won't be there (the hot gym boys)...
Okay, so we work out (I've tried doing some chin-ups...yeah, my goal; to actually do a chin up by the end of my life!), then we head to the pool for some rays and some dips. I've gotten used to the birds that flutter around the pool, I'm am quite proud of myself. Word must have gotten around that the Canadian girls LIVE in Phnom Penh because twice we've had the pool side worker boys come up to us while we are IN the pool and try to have a convo with us. Like one boy; he actually said he wanted to put his application form in to be our boyfriends! He asked what our families look for in a husband for us!! Ahhhhh!!! We stay clear of Mr. Application now.
After the pool we had lunch, Khmer style at a store nearby and then we walked till our legs fell off down to St.240. While we were walking a little street/begger boy (around 7 years) came up to us. This is no new event! There are constantly little kids with smaller siblings tagging along behind them asking for money. E. knows how badly I want to give to them but she cheers me on to leave them. If I give them money they will not get it: their parents will. Anyways, this one boy had only pants on, if you'd call them that! They were ripped up the seams on all sides so that it looked like a skirt and they were soaking wet! he also had a burn scar on his stomach probably 4 inches in diameter and another scar on the back of his upper arm about the same size. Because E. doesn't pay them any attention due to their annoying requests for money; they ALWAYS make their way to my side and stay there. Oh! It breaks my heart!
He kept by my side for quite a while. I was able to ask him his name, how old he was, if his scars hurt, etc. He just kept mumbling "nam"...which means food. I felt for this poor little soul so I decided to keep him by my side and buy him some food. That way I would know that HE would get the money I gave him. We walked to a food stand with popcorn and drinks and pointed to see if he wanted popcorn (I couldn't see any place to buy him actually food), he pointed beyond the 'candy' to a family eating in their make-shift little shack. I walked over with him and told them I would pay for him to have some food. Surprisingly they agreed. Khmer people are ussually very mean to children. They hit and yell constantly at them.
I paid 2000 riehls (50 cents) for my dear little follower to fill his tummy with rice and meat and vegetables and water! He was shocked. I paid the money to the woman and the little boy turned around and looked at me with his big eyes and hungry tummy with amazement. He put his hands together in a prayer like they do here and said, "akun", thankyou. I said "mi nigh etey", your welcome and tickled his little armpit to get in there and eat his food! He jumped up the stairs into the house and held his little plate while the woman FILLED it with rice. I watched for a bit to make sure that they actually gave him the food.
To be honest, I had a bit of tears in these berly-kim eyes. I was glad I took the time and the money to give. God bless my boy!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Brothels Continue...
We, at the clinic, have decided because of our lack of funding that we have to stretch out our "brothel outreach"days to once every two weeks. Although we were able to visit a brothel community in need of medical attention this past monday. We went with one of the girls from the centre who lives amongst and used to work in the brothels. We walked along the river and under bridges and around shanty homes and around chickens and inbetween buildings and finally found our way through a narrow passageway to a brothel. Sometimes I can't even tell which ones are brothels or just homes. It's not like the girls stand out on the corner like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman! (sigh...I love that movie) There are no high boots or blonde wigs. There are just girls, with dirty skin and normal faces. Girls that think it's just normal to do what they have to do.
You can spot easily some brothels though. Usually the ones with long corridors and multiple rooms off the hallways with only beds in them are the more obvious the one I visited in Svay Pak. Our girl proudly introduced us to the girls and we got down to business (no pun intended!). Vitamins, de-wormers, amoxicillin, STI meds and....CONDOMS were mainly given out this time(which they grabbed with a shy smile!). They were very thankful which made me so happy too. There are two brothers, about 11 and 13 who come to the Daughter's school. They followed us from the centre even though they were seriously advised not too and became our Bag Carriers...they were so cute sitting right beside the women as they talked about discharge, itch or failed home abortions! Acutally, to be honest...these boys are a bit fruity and dainty (if you know what i mean) Which makes me feel more protective of them!!
I have a sense of gratitude when I walk into their worlds. Like I'm the lucky, priviledged one who is blessed to visit such a place. Out of so many westerners, I am the one that they trust enough to speak of their attrocities with and accept medicine from!! I try to soak it up. So I can hash it all out in my mind and heart later. I feel like I am walking into their community with the feet of God Herself: eventhough that is COMPLETELY the most cheesiest thing I've ever heard or's so freaking true, I just have to say it! Uhhh, I annoy myself sometimes!!
We had our first birth this week too! It was a baby girl and the mama wished to keep her! We visited her in the hospital to see she was getting the care she should (we took some girls to the dentist on monday morning and they refused to treat them: b/c they were ex-sex workers...I was spitting mad!) and also pay for the delivery (20 dollars for the birth and 10 for the nurses bribes!) I was shocked by the size of her episiotomy: 4th degree for sure (for those nurses in the crowd). Apologies to the qweezy ones in the crowd!
Here's a video of me "showing off" my clinic. Let's just say as a prepatory suggestion: don't judge my growing brunnette roots, try not to be annoyed with my hand gestures and forgive the bum/gitch show!! (Mall and Shawna should be VERY accustomed to the gitch show! I am repeatedly told that they hang out....sorry!?)
Oh, and the t-shirt I'm sporting in the video is one of the designs that FREED, the t-shirt business, created that the girls run from Daughter's.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The market encounter.
This Sunday at the market a man followed me. I didn't know he was. There are men constantly staring and talking amongst themselves. It is quite normal. I didn't see that the man was following me until IT happened.
I was purchasing a typical Cambodian tourist shirt; something about Anit-Landmines written across the front (typical Kim Foster purchase choice;)) when I felt a hand smack my bum. I lept with surprise. I was shocked. I turned around to see who it was but found no one that I could possibly pin point amongst the hundreds that apparantly felt the need to do such a thing to me. I told E. what had happened. But we both dismissed it as a Frustratingly Immature Act.
So I continued on. A bit dismayed but a bit more like I was to blame. "My Coral colored skirt (Lulu one) did hug my bum and reveal my shape", I thought to myself. I thought sheepishly that I had attracted the unwanted attraction.
Not more then 5 minutes later the man returned. He must have followed me b/c as I turned myself to face a wall of merchandise I felt a hand grope me (not my bum this time...) I jumped and with tears and a hot face I ran for the exit. Apparantly E. had not heard my words and did not come for me. So I sat outside and waited for her to follow me. All I could see in my mind was his dark face and green shirt.
We later had lunch down the way and talked of other things. But while we walked away memories of other similar instances of older men flooded my memory who had attempted and succeeded to hurt me in similar ways. My stomach was nautious.
All I can think of is how more horrendous the things that my dear sister's here in Cambodia have been through in their struggle to gain their own self respect in a vocation that is primarily targeting their bodies as useless pleasure toys. It saddens me but also enrages me. I feel more a part of these girls now then I ever have before.
Whispers by; K.Foster
I sit and I watch and I listen
and as I sit and I watch and I listen, I remember.
and as I remember, I cry.
I remember my debtors, my shame, my dirty messes. My unclean mouth. My mistakes and my misses.
And as I remember and cry, I begin to believe I am lost.
Softly, a still small voice whispers.
Using the wind and Science and Molecules and Atoms:
it whispers a whisper that enters through my ear and straight to my heart;
"You have remembered wrong.
You have Forgotten of my forgiving Grace.
and My blanket of Love.
You have forgotten Me. And the miracle I have made in you.
Now go and forget no more.
Go and Love."
(I would request no comments on this blog please.)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Ace Ventura and Pedro...
For instance; Eileen and I are sitting in church. Right beside Gramma (Marie Ens; the Place of Rescue founder) in the middle of the rows and chairs during a serious message. The Pastor Dude calls up three boys to visualize what he's trying to get across...something about our spirits, minds and bodies. Anyways, that's not the funny part; so we're sitting there and the man is talking away and I'm taking a good look at these boys (it's not that i'm checking them out. no, i do that after church;) seriously though I was a tad bored so it was refreshing to have new faces on stage) And suddenly I realize as soon as I stare at the last boy for a bit that he reminds me of someone...Pedro from Nepolian Dynnamite! I burst out laughing. Like the real embarrassing kind; sort of like the time LJ burst out laughing at a certain someone's funeral!!! Eileen kept asking me what I was laughing at but the more I tried to calm myself down the more I would laugh. Gramma even had to lean over and see what was so funny! ahhh...yes....he was Pedro to the tee; his mouth, his hair and his posture. Too funny. How did I calm myself down? I thought of puppies dying. yes. I am morbid.
One more example of things that make me laugh still;
Okay, so you all know about my moto driver Run, right? Well, somedays our other moto driver Td'ill, the one I have a medium crush on, isn't around! I know, it's sad. Well, anyways we have to find some else to take dear Big EZ (aka Eileen Davidson) which is never a problem. Really! They flock to us like a bug to a lamp. So Eileen has somehow made a new moto driver out of this guy that Run knows; and he looks exactly like Jim Carrey's character from Ace Ventura Pet Detective! It's halarious. Everytime we're driving I look back to see if Eileen hasn't been left behind or something more horrendous and all I see is this dude driving her with these awful buck teeth inside this mouth that is permanently open in the most halarious way and he smiles this geeky smile that almost makes me feel a little bad for him! I laugh, of course, which makes him laugh, which makes me laugh more!! Ahhh, yes. The joys of moto drives by funny looking men.
There, two things that go through my mind on a regular basis that crack me up still. I realize that you probably won't find them as funny seeing how you sort of had to be there...but's worth the share.
And really, I don't have much more to share other then the fact that our power went out at 8:10 pm and took with it our Air Con, fans and lighting....and it's still not on! And it's freakin' 9:34 am right now. That means that two nights in a row we had to sleep buck just to survive!
Our fridge is officially the same temperature as the rest of our house. I had actually fallen asleep in the midst of the heat until Eileen thought it would be a good idea to wake me up and make me go and try and flip the breakers! Yeah, I tried. I even killed a few cockroaches while I was at it! But to no avail...
Love the permanent pit stain lady,
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Some more videos
The second vid was filmed just last night. We had ourselves a lovely Western meal at Steve's Steakhouse (Clarker, a bit funny eh?) and ate burgers, fries and milkshakes! It was great! Then we walked down Sihanouk Blvd. to Java Cafe; our favorite little iced coffee spot. We ate Strawberry crumble pie and iced coffees and watched the lightning. It was so beautiful. We pretended we were at Saffron's sitting out on the patio watching the Corydon traffic (except, it was way more crowded, people spoke a different language and the food was WAY better;) I hope you can see the lightning in this one. It was so majestic coming from a humongous black cloud. didn't rain on us!
And lastly a pic to prove the amount of rain we get in one down pour. This was on my way home from work. I guess the drainage system is feeling the pressure now!

Monday, August 25, 2008
I'm freakin' 24 years old!!
I'm getting a bit anxious. You see, Nurse Ruth is leaving for her lovely Britain in March and well, I'm not; I'm staying. So that means; I'll be on my own. Nurse Ruth says in the New Year she would like to hand over the Clinic Reigns to me so that I can get used to doing EVERYTHING!!! That means I have to be on top of it all. Referrals for STD's, HIV testing lists, restocking the meds, education clinics, finances, pregnancies, adoptions, brothel outreach days and everything single being that enters my clinic with whatever illness they present with is my responsibility!!
What do I think about this?
Well, it brings up a couple different responses in this ol' Berly heart of mine;
1. AHHHHH!!! Yay!!! I'm super excited! It's what I've always dreamt of doing. It's a rocking opportunity to be stretched and I get to make it my little baby. I can do with it what I want. And wow, the amazing things I'll learn. I definitely will be able to work North Main in Winni when I get back.
2. AHHHHHH!! Oh no!! I'm Kimmy, not some Primary Care Nurse Extravaganza! What the hell was she thinking?? I come from Dauphin. My biceps look like inserted sausages! I sleep with my teddy- Blue Bear still!!? I'm freakin' 24 years old!
So, yeah, that pretty much wraps it up!! sigh...
Okay, so obviously Nurse Ruth sees some quiet potential in this girl...I'll trust her.
We've been working on figuring out some numbers. We need sponsors. That's what it comes down to. Let me list our needs, in financial dollars:
Dental $5-10 (that's getting a tooth extracted)
Optician $20+ (eye testing and eye glass fitting)
H20 filters $10 (filter per family that will last for a very long time; like a BRITA)
Pregnancy/delivery $30 (covers one ultrasound and 20 bucks for popping it out)
Meds per month $100 (covers everything from tylenol to STD antibiotics)
HIV testing $5 dollars for 6 girls (transporation costs. the testing is free for brothel girls)
It's piddly money but it's humongous money here from these girls perspectives. Just think about it, ok? I'm going to try and get in contact with different companies from CANADA, like Corydon Dental, or Eye Deal EyeWear, or maybe a nice Pharmacist;)
I'm also thinking a lot about what the girls will do when both Nurse Ruth and I leave. What will remain of our hard work? Welllll,.....I've seen first hand what education can do. It IS the answer to poverty and racism and well, the list goes on. So, I've made a list of many many many many different things I'd like to teach them. So that when we leave they've got a small handle on some things. IE. Infections, contraceptives, reproduction, nutrition, dental care, eye care, when to seek help, how to dress a wound, bacteria, antenatal and postnatal care of infant and mommy. I'm excited with a capital E!
Some ponderings to end the night:
I sit and I watch
Right on the top of this pile
I listen and I learn
While you're being buried before you've died; With dirt from my shoes in your mouth.
Oh, but can I help at all?
Oh, but do I help at all?
But still.....Would you let me save you?
Although all I have are empty hands
And all that i have are ugly scars myself
The children still sing for help
What can I do?
But still.....Would you let me save you?
I sit and I watch
And I'm screaming inside
When there's nothing more I can do.
When I can't seem to help at all
What then do I hear?
What then do I learn?
When there's nothing more I can say
When there's nothing more I can do-
Then the magic which lies behind runs ahead!
And the Crimson Red linings of our souls
make way
with words to say
with more to do- a way!
There I see I am saving you
And you are saving me
We are saved
By the Grace that dances 'round by the Crimson Red
We are saved.
Love your Buttercup,
Kimmy Alice
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Birds and Boys.
Okay, so first of all I think I've re-entered the stage in my life where I've become much too too too too shy to speak to boys. Or, I guess I could say WHITE boys. Yes, there are some here but when I see white boys I get very flustered, a bit more redder then I already am, and then I seriously turn and run the other way or I do something rediculously strange.
Exhibit A.
I'm serious, whenever there are hot white boys around I stare at them as if they are some strange creature that is vaguely familiar to me. Eileen thinks she's so sweet by pointing them out for me. Like I'm a little baby girl just learning what the word, "boy" is!! We were at the market a couple weeks ago and I'm serious, Eileen stalked a group of "them" with amazing Australian accents for me! We probably followed them for like 20 minutes. AGAIN, I was much too scared to even look at their faces.
Exhibit B.
We were at the pool today. We have a gym pass at Hotel Cambodiana so we also have free access to the pool!! We worked out this morning and then we headed to the pool to cool off and catch some rays. (which, may I just say; Mom, I so put on sunscreen this time! But I burnt anyways!!) Okay so let me give you the low down on this pool "area". It's apparantly prime pigeon roaming ground. Yes. And if you don't already know; I am very fearful of birds; well, really anything that has wings and flutters them at me!
Okay so there we are. Just bobbing about in the cool water, under a gorgeous S.E. Asian sky and, of course, the BIRDS come. Okay, so two birds came. But still, I swear they are purposefully coming for me! They fluttered down to where I was bobbing and I freaked out! I splashed, I screamed, I whimpered (the cute kind of whimper mind you...). Yeah, Eileen says she's scared of them too but I don't believe her. Her responses soooo say the opposite!
Okay so later we're lying on our amazingly hot little suntan/lounge chairs and Eileen all of a sudden says in a really low and slow voice, "Kim. Oh my. Kiiiiiim". My first thought? BIRDS. I'm serious. I'm tense the whole time I'm at the pool. I hear a flutter and I think...Doom! Okay, so I immidiately got into the fetal position and started kicking those Merry Foster Legs, fanning my towel out as a shield...while the whole time with my eyes closed. Of course? Of course!
So Eileen starts laughing at me. The kind of laughing that involves a LOT of eye rolling. So...apparantly there were no birds about to peck out my eyes....there was a hot white boy at 2 o'clock having a shower (bathing suit clothed) out on the deck!! Ahhh. Dang it! I was sure that I made a complete fool out of myself...but I guess he did smile at me when he left to go inside?!!!!!
And there you go: Two reasons why I'll be single forever; Exhibit A and B.
Okay so that's white boys. But let me tell you about Khmer boys. Cute? yes. I have a small (well maybe a bit bigger then "small", maybe medium) crush on one of my motto drivers. His name, which we learned today, is Td'ill. Pernouncing this one is difficult. But, seeing how I have a crush on the boy I think I'll learn it fast enough;) Okay, so he's the shyest boy ever. He has the greatest smile and a tan to die for! Eileen and I took mottos today around town. I was with Run (my usual driver) and I "let" Eileen have Td'ill. It was fun. But Eileen and I think we have to hold in the reigns a bit. Run started asking, "You have man?" Oh dear!
So, I know it's a bit fluffy and so immature to devote a whole blog entry to boys...but hey, I'm a girl!
Peace out,
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Keepin my Peeps Happy!
First video is my motto ride home today. Not as much traffic as usual, I got out earlier from Clinic!! Just to give you an idea of my Surroundings and ...the speed at which I travel!
Okay next vid is taken while we were making a run for it to get home. I was leading the pack and completely soaked to the bone when I quickly stopped and hid us under a little food stand tarp overhang. We look like we're having fun but really, come on, it's a complete show. I never have fun anywhere I go...cough cough...the end.
We got completely soaked. Which brings me to my next pic. Our lovely neighborhood tuk tuk that has sort of, along with probably 4 other younger men, decided to take us ladies under their wings! If we need a ride? Their on it. If I can't work my phone. Their on it. If I need someone to wave at me while I walk down the street? Their are ON it! He knew we were walking and got caught in the rain so he came looking for us. We were running home, completely soaked and he drove up and said, "You ride. Free!" Ahhh, our night in shining armor. A little Khmer gentlemen!
Okay so my computer is saying no to me trying to add more pics/vids so be patient, keep your sun bonnets on and stay tuned for more action to come!
Oh, and I should add that miraculously the lady with the very malnourished baby came to the clinic on Tuesday to ask for help with her baby. She's never been at the clinic before. Just as I was giving the babe some Ibuprofen and antibiotics a lady nurse from an organization down the street showed up and said she had found a home for both the mom and her two children! It happened way too perfectly to be called a coincidence. It turns out the mom has AIDS which means the baby probably is HIV pos. as well, making it difficult to stay healthy and nourished as it is then. I guess I underestimated the Big Guy cause they've gone to stay at a hospice!
Oh and you may find it funny to read Eileen's blog (the link is at the top right: "Kampuchea Travels") about the RAT. I so was NOT that scared. Really, I'd say she was way more scared then me! Pssh, me, A scaredy cat?...never...
Keep fit and have fun people,
Love Kimmy Alice xxx
oh and happy b-day LJ!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Dying Angels.
So Monday's are "Outreach Days". I think it's an awful title but ho hum, I didn't come up with it. What it means is Nurse Ruth and I go to a brothel and pay them a visit. That came off a bit 'fruity', what I''m trying to say is, we become the travelling Nurses we've always wanted to be!! Today will go down in my heart as a day of great sadness, great ache, and great humbleness. Today I saw things with my own two brown eyes that make the whites of them red....
We took a walk, Nurse Ruth, and our two translators and myself...about two blocks from where I go to work EVERYDAY. We turned a corner and were all of a sudden in an open yard with houses along the outsides, in a circle. We made our way to a porch of a house and walked between the tight buildings on a makeshift walkway/bridge...made of nailed down bits of wood. We found a spot to sit and we were told to wait; That one of the brothel girls would bring "them". Oh my. God help us!
All of a sudden there were probably 50 people. Children. Women. Men. All about us. They crowded us on our little mats and pushed their dirty, sick, wormy, malnourished and crying babies and children into our laps. Ruth became the Adult Care Corner and somehow the children all decided to flock to the Canadian. I was a bit taken back at first but also really excited. Ooooh, I thought, this is it!! I was cleaning foot sores, assessing oozing/swollen ears, hugging smiling baby boys with no clothes on. Looking in mouths to find few teeth without a crack or cavity. I was getting those de-wormer pills out with a vengeance when I turned to look right infront of me and asked, Who's next?..."who's next" will haunt me...
I saw an old women sitting cross-legged with a baby in her arms, wrapped in a dirty brown rag. The baby was bones. My breath was knocked right out of me. I stared. It was a skeleton. It had arms the thickness of my Father's thumb, it had ribs and bones protruding from it's skin as visible as it's nose. I choked out a, "Ruth! Help." But she was too busy. I asked the women how old her baby was. He was 5 months old!!! I would've said 5 weeks old! He was that malnourished. I didn't know what to do. I grabbed my stethoscope to try and focus, but when I listened it made it worse. I assessed it's Fontanel and mucous membranes. Sticky. I felt for it's pulse. Thready. Finally Ruth saw my dying angel and saw my eyes and my quivering chin. She held my hand and together we acted as one nurse. We found out he was only drinking 4 oz. a day. That the women was not his biological mother but an adoptive one. She said she didn't have enough money to feed him more. We looked at eachother and Ruth asked for the both of us, "Can we take him? Would you give him to us? He's dying. He will soon be dead." She refused. She said she got more money with this pile of precious bones when she begged at the RiverFront. He was her leverage.
We cried. Right there. Infront of everyone. We weeped. But we had to move on. We were there for 2.5 hours and probably treated 30 people. We ran to Daughter's under a black sky. It poured just as we got in the doors.
I've always been a bit visual with my emotions. Like I feel them so intensely that I begin to see them as well. Colors. Shapes. Textures. Depths. Weights.
Today in Church E. and I sat at the back. Us Notty girls; came in late with our iced coffee's in hand! We sang a song about the Glory of the Lord rising up all around. The powerpoint had a rainbow as the background. As I stood and sang my heart out I suddenly realized I was seeing something else. The room was completely quiet. But I wasn't in the room. I was standing on the street. Down by the market. And instantly i pictured this swift, rolling, ribbon-like cloud. It was weaving in and out, up and down, between and around. All along the streets of P.P. In the hustle. The noises. The dirt. The poverty. I gasped, "It's here!"
Hope? I saw hope. it was slow but quick all at the same time. Deep purple with white and blue. The streets seemed to have the mute button on. Like a wind. It wrapped around the mottos. it stretched under the tables along the sidewalks. It breathed past the beggars and enveloped the street girls. It was quick as the people kept moving. I lost my breath for a second. I blinked and i was back in church. It was the glory of the Lord all around.
I stared at the rainbow on the powerpoint then looked around. I saw the multi-colored heads all around me. Different heights. shapes. colors. textures. weights. depths. At first I saw a sea of differences. Then I saw the colored hands raised and I realized that WE are the rainbow! We are the colors of the Rainbow. We are what God sees. This is what God sees. His children. His creation.
So I'm no the only one with a colorful imagination I thought to myself.
Today as I sat searching for the last children's vitamins we had in the bag, I felt that ribbon of wind. I saw those bright colors. I was there. It was there. We weren't alone. I gave them to Him. I was humbled. I could do nothing.
With a new found thankfulness for a full belly, a healthy grin, a strong laugh and a witnessing spirit,
Friday, August 8, 2008
A bit of Mischief!
I thought I should give you a little update on Daughter's. It's going good. I've been taking the clinic on my own with Nurse Ruth upstairs in the office or running about delivering water filters to the new Mama's! We've got a lot of preggy ladies! 13 to be exact. And we're actually finding a place for them all. None of the girls want to keep their babies so orphanages or families are what we're focusing on finding now. It's weird, even though they worked in the brothels they have no idea how to use a condom or what an STD is! Nurse Ruth and I have our work cut out for us;)
There's been some funny times in the Laboratory these past few days when Kimberly Foster enters the premises! There was one poor soul who had hemorrhoids so I gave her some suppositories to administer to herself at home after each BM (cough cough). Unfortunately, or fortunately, whichever way you look at it; she didn't know how to use a suppository. Like I'm sure many of you people may not know too. So I was attempting to explain how but stopped and said like my new British friend would, "Oh bother. Let me show you!". So I lied on the ground (fully clothed! People, come on! Get your minds out of the gutter!) on my left side, raised my right leg and pointed with my finger to the, well, you know...the spot! And I explained to her how to do it! Well...let me tell you, it sure released the tension in the room because all of the women; the translator, nurse Ruth and our poor client were howling watching ME on the dirty floor! Yeah, I'd say I've got the moves.
I also find it so tempting to say things in English to people when they have no idea what I'm saying. Like, for instance; I had a client who was 5 months pregnant and I had to do an abdominal assessment and also use a Doppler to hear the fetal heart rate. So she lies down and after I wash my hands and start poking around her very obviously pregnant belly, I say out loud, "Yep, you've definitely got a baby in there. I'd say your pregnant!" Okay, so unfortunately I can't exactly remember what I said but it was hilarious...the poor translator standing beside me looked at me with a very confused and shocked face as if she wasn't sure she was hearing right...Nurse Ruth had to explain through a cackle that Sray Kim was just joking! It's probably one of the biggest pros to living where almost no one speaks English! Fun times!
I went to Sway Pak yesterday to do some simple triaging and nursing care with Nurse Ruth yesterday afternoon. We went in a van about 30 minutes away from where I live. It was an old brothel. The van was filled with ex-brothel girls from another housing centre a ways away from Daughter's. The girls go twice a week to play with the brothel children and kind of i guess do Sunday School for them. They had gutted the old brothel building into one large room and left only one brothel room in tact to use as a monument or a sort of reminder of the hell that existed in the past there but doesn't have control now! I walked inside the little pink room and immediately got the chills. It was about 5 feet by 5 feet with only a wooden bed frame. The walls were disgusting with dirt, blood and writings on them. I stood there and felt sick to my stomach imaging that THIS is exactly where deeds of pain and shame were committed. I had to leave. We quickly got on with the nursing stuff and I was forced to focus on something else...
Last night though it came back to me in the form of a nightmare! I was a brothel girl. I was raped. It felt real. I was sobbing out loud! Eileen woke me up and I darted for her bed. Thank goodness for shallow sleeping room mates! I fell asleep shortly after I got into her bed with salty tears drying on my face. It was just a glimpse into what they went through EVERY day of their lives...
Well, I should cut this thing short but I just wanted to point out that my favorite part of my day is riding to and from work on the back of a motto. I get to see and feel and smell Cambodia up close. I see the strangest things too! Yesterday I saw two oxen pulling a wagon and also a small horse pulling a carriage!! I smiled with glee. I miss the farm.
Over and out,
10 4
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Is it Possible?
It seems like we're getting into the roll of things here now. And my first homesick day set in....yesterday. I just was sooo sad. That's all I could say to Eileen. There's a number of reasons but let's just leave those for another time.
Okay, so in amongst the pitty party I was having with myself, I started thinking about our actions. I was very aware of the weight of our decision on others when Eileen and I set out on our Asian Adventure! The good byes at the airport were difficult. I was sad that others were sad but also I felt a bit guilty. Like I was the reason for Mallory's rolling tears or Crystal's heavy sobs (sorry ladies). "Why were we doing this?" was a common thought that E. and I would say on the way to Cambodia.
So I know for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Meaning we are all connected. And in a way that's a good thing; it reveals the depth of our relationships and that we actually really mean something to someone else. We matter.
So then that got me thinking that if we affect eachother so much, I want to be someone who makes wise decisions, so that my actions bless not blunder those around me. For the betterment of not only my future but my future family's and our community I want to have discernment. That means, I guess, and I know this may completely come off as lame, but it means I wish to be a Wife of Noble Character (Proverbs 31:10-31).
I was in a women's book club a year or so ago and we looked at this passage. And the question was asked, "Is it possible to be a women like that?" And I think that's a very good question. Hmmm....what do I think? We'll get back to this.
Some points they make of this "Noble Women" are:
She has value far more then riches. Her husband has full confidence in her. She brings good not harm. She has a good work ethic and is useful. She considers others. She has discernment and good judgment. She is generous. She does not worry. She loves beauty and takes care of herself. And my favorite part is verse 25-26; She is clothed in strength and dignity...she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue...
Titus 2:3-5
She is reverent. She is Love. She is self-controlled, pure, busy and KIND.
1 Peter 3:1-6
Without words she shows with her behaviour that she is pure and reverent. Her beauty does not come from decorating her body. Her beauty is of a gentle and quiet spirit. She does not give way to FEAR.
I think our world confuses women. We're supposed to be strong, sporty and independent...a business mind. On the other hand we're supposed to be gentle, delicate and mothering... We're supposed to be beautiful and thin and magestic. OR we're supposed to be weak and need a MAN to swoop down and save us. BUT...we can't be all those things at once. We were each made differently...and when we stop and breathe...and realize that in our uniqueness we are all women of the Lord, then we give ourselves room to fly!
a poem I wrote:
For I am a Woman
Gather the angels around
Lift up the Sun and let the colors of Heaven drop down
Release the powers of the Sea
and call out the Trees of Authenticity
For I am a Woman
and Beauty exists in me.
I am the Lover of the Meek
The Seeker of the Lost
I am the Mother of the Future
and will perservere no matter the cost
For I am a Woman
and Beauty exists in me.
Let me woe you with my smile
and excite you with my eyes
You will be saved by my gentle ways,
you will dread my good byes
For I am a Woman
and Beauty exist in me.
I will impress you with my mind
and captivate you with my essence
I am matchless and one of a kind
and I pray, that as you stand in my presence
you will see;
Love created this spirit and body so
I am a Woman
and Beauty exists in me.
Yeah, it might be a tad sappy but I like it.
So, can a women of Noble Character be attained by the modern woman? I'm not sure yet, but I'm definetly going to try;)
Peace and Love,
Saturday, August 2, 2008
We've got cockroaches!!!
Just a quick post today.
I was at Daughter's yesterday afternoon getting into the swing of things working in the clinic. The girls who came told us their issues through our lovely translator/counsellor and we do our best to diagnose and prescribe. We had some girls with headaches, re-occuring STD's, pregnancy check ups and one who was raped. This girl is 17 years old and came in complaining of not having her period for 2 months (sorry guys). We did a pregnancy test and while we were waiting we asked if she had a partner. She said no. So we asked if the sex was consensual and she said no. She told us that she is raped EVERY single day by her brother in law! He is a fortune teller and when he is controlled by the spirit he comes into her room and rapes her. I sat there completely overwhelmed.
We asked about Hagar or other houses that take girls in her situation but they are either full or they are too far from home and do not pay the girls for the work they do. She didn't want to leave Daughter's. I started to cry. She sat there, hunched over, with no life in her eyes and we sat there with nothing to give her. We looked at eachother and I asked if we could pray for her. So before she left to go home to something that shouldn't even be considered a "home", we prayed. I prayed that she would be given protection, a new place to live and great comfort from God. We told her that in a way it was a gift from God that she was not getting her periods because this way she would not get pregnant. She told us that we were the first people she has ever uttered this to for 2 whole months!! My heart is sore.
I was surprised though by how quickly I jumped right in when we were seeing clients. I started asking the questions we needed to ask. And I also had suggestions that Nurse Ruth hadn't thought of either. We do a lot of preventative teaching. And that's my cup of tea! On monday I am heading to the brothels with nurse Ruth to visit with each girl and to give what medicines and care we can. I am both incredibly excited and nervous! I can't wait;)
I took a moto ride home from work yesterday. A moto is a motorcycle. And because, as you all know, hopefully...I am a woman! So I have to sit....side-saddle!! I just pretended it was a horse and I sat with my skirt and my books about STD's on my lap and went to hold onto my lovely looking motto drivers back. That's when Nurse Ruth stopped me. In her british accent she said, "Oh, well I don't think that's such a good idea. I think they don't mind eachother touching them but maybe not a foreigner. No. That's not appropriate." Okay. So I held onto the back of the seat and when he started to drive I laughed with excitement....yet another thing a woman is not supposed to do; Cackle. And you know how I can cackle. So I held in my excitement and when we went over big bumps I just bit my lip! I loved it though. Thank goodness for all those dirt bike rides when I was younger, huh Stan?!
Well, that's about it. Other then the fact that I killed a GIGANTIC cockroach this morning with Eileen's map of Phnom Penh, everything is going smoothly! (I seem to be the rodent/insect killer of the two of us...hmmm) Oh and for the record, I haven't slept walked since the first night! AND I only sleep in Eileen's bed now because SHE is scared, not me. Just for the record.
Eileen and I are headed for some relaxation at a spa today. One hour massages for 7 dollars anyone?! HA.
Peace and Love,
The Berly-Kim
Friday, August 1, 2008
Becoming a Daughter of Cambo!
Just a little Khmai to get you all excited!
Well, I have lot's to report on so we might as well get started;
I've been to visit Daughter's a couple times now. And it's more then I could've dreamed. I'm very impressed with the facilities and the programs. I have to take Tuk Tuk rides all on my own now and the first day I had to it poured! Okay, so I like rain, right? I used to like going for runs at night in Winnipeg along Wellington late at night. And I thought THAT was powerful rain?! Well, let me tell you...I have NEVER seen rain like this. I came downstairs to wait for my tuk tuk to arrive (yes, I have my own driver. I've sort of just adopted him into that role. I have him programmed into my cellular...Pireth is his name. He used to be a teacher but it only paid him 25 dollars a MONTH! so he quit and makes more driving then teaching?!), and when I got down the stairs I was almost taken away by the floods! Okay, okay...that's me exageratting...but it was deep and coming down fast. It was at least up to midcalf! My tuk tuk came and he drove right up to my front door and opened the flaps to the tuk tuk that he had pulled down to shield me from the rain! He had one of those flimsy rain coats on that look like they're made of saran wrap. I thought it would be dry inside but to my dismay my butt got completely soaked from the seats! On the way I couldnt believe my eyes. The rain in the streets were deep; half way up the tires. I started to giggle out loud! Ooh, what an adventure. It started to thunder and lightning and I got really excited. We made our way down Sihanouk and when we stopped at a "stop light" I saw a little wet girl sitting on the median. She was completely soaked! When we stopped I heard a little voice behind me. It was her. She had come to the back of the tuk tuk and parted the flaps and extended her two empty, wet hands inside and asked for money. Ahhhh!! I had been warned not to give in by Eileen. But my poor little heart was breaking for her poor little heart. I shook my head no and because I didn't know what else to do I kissed my empty palms and put them in her empty palms and drew a very big and warming smile...I gave her my love with a smile on!
We finally arrived at Daughter's and I was escorted to a semi-secretive destination. It is a tall skinny building amongst what I can see to be the poorest of the city. I was in the slums. All of the girls and women smiled widely when I came and was introduced. I met the nurse I will be working with, her name is Ruth, and so is the boss so I will call the nurse; Nurse Ruth and the boss; Boss Ruth. Nurse Ruth showed me our little nursing room and I sat in on some triaging. A lot of headaches, STD's, TB, loss of appetite, depression, night mares, HIV, worms and other such things. We are actually diagnosing, prescribing meds and doing assessments all without the help of a doctor! The plan is for me to watch and assist Nurse Ruth until I feel comfortable to do it on my own. Nurse Ruth leaves in March '09 so please pray another nurse will be able to come before I have to leave too! I am also teaching a jewellery class one morning a week. The programs that I was able to see in action were the cake decorating (and I am talking wedding cakes more elaborately and perfectly decorated then our cakes in Canada!), jewellery, sewing (table runners, clothes, pot holders, etc....I'm trying to get a connection with Ten Thousand Villages going. Boss Ruth sells to America, NZ, Aust, and England but not to CAnada!), and t-shirt making...these are awesome shirts too. I think all of you would like them. The brand is called "Freed" and the designs are simple, 90's colors, with funky designs. Almost a bit "skater-ish". I'll be sporting them soon enough...I'm sure.
I was so happy to be there that I almost couldn't withhold my excitement! I saw all the girls working hard, being paid a salary and a safe place to stay and I was overwhelmed with an assurance that I am meant to be here this year. Only one girl is still actively working in the brothels...all the rest have stopped!
Okay, onto other Cambo living things: we got a washing machine. Two Khmai men came speaking no english to deliver and install it. They had to carry that thing up 2 flights of really really small steps. When they got it up they looked at where it was supposed to go and shook their heads and spoke strange words to eachother! Oh dear, Eileen and I thought this was no good. Through sign language and the skills of two very annimated Canadians, we realized that they couldn't find a place to drain the water coming from the machine. The men were stumped. Well, I just got on my hands and knees and looked around and pointed to what I thought was a hole in the ground...which ended up being exactly what they were looking for. Yeah, that's right. I'm a plumber too! I got the machine working for Eileen and I and the Toshiba has nothing to worry's in gentle hands.
Onto Election news: The Prime Minister was re-elected after the country voted on Sunday. Apparantly in the past years there have been some violent protests after the elections. But we were fine this year. I heard that the people knew that he would be re-elected because everyone had been warned that if he wasn't he would declare civil war. And the rumour is that he was the one who brought in the Vietnamese troops as a way of showing how serious he was about declaring war. He is a corrupt man but the people did what they could to keep peace. A democratic election is seeming more and more joke here.
Eileen and I have a pet cat that sits outside our bellcony. It runs when we get close...which I learned yesterday to be a God send...I was trying to lure him to the window with my excellent cat calling abilities and all of a sudden I saw little tiny worms falling from his bum! Ah, I guess you can say I became very clear with the fact that I wouldn't be touching a cat for ten months!
So, I can't remember anything else except I'm learning the power of a white teethed Canadian smile! It has the power to cause motto's to collide, children to wave excitedly, tuk tuk's to jump to attention....and Nigerian men to stop you mid aisle at the grocery store and ask for a date! Oh dear!
Peace and Love,