Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Heart Overflowing.

Update on the last post...the little girl that we lost to the Brothels has RETURNED!! Yay. I was able to give her a thorough assessment and then I sent her to our counsellor. She drew a marvelous pic for me!

Also, sadly the girl who was gang raped is riddled with STI's and the doctors have advised us taht it is better if she aborts. We are also worried she may commit suicide. She has already shared that she tries punching the baby and has thrown herself on her tummy on a chair recently....I am lost in sadness. Please, keep her in your thoughts. I visited her home yesterday so that she can believe we truly care for her. I love her.
I have been given much! I was born in Dauphin, Manitoba, CANADA; a small town filled with farmers, horsemen and cattlemen...oh, and parogies! I grew up with clean air, food, friends, and family. I learned about hard work on the farm- how to move cattle, how to ride a horse, how to call a kitty, and how to gut a chicken! I learned both pain, disappointment AND forgiveness and love as I grew up as a young little brown eyed girl in my families home.

I was for some reason blessed with a heart overflowing. I've always known that God had a special plan for me. My heart has always physically ached to help this world. Whether it be in Dauphin, reserves in N.Saskatchewan, Vancouver, El Salvador, Peru, Churchill or a hog farm south of WPG. My prayer is that I would see what God sees...and that I would be forever changed. "The heart that breaks open can contain the whole Universe." Joanna Macy.

My spirit was broken this past year and my heart became lost. My desire to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with my God was nolonger there. I hated the Fruit's of the Spirit. I turned my eyes from God. But God had a bigger plan for me and He wasn't willing to lose this one lost sheep in the millions!

He took me to Peru and reminded me why I became a Nurse-He reminded me of the Passions and gifts that He had chosen for me. He used my love for the children of Peru to bring me out of the darkness. I was given a vision; He was running to find me. He would NOT give up on me!

Then without even knowing why, on a dark, snowy night on a bus bound for Dauphin, departing from Winni, I bolted straight up with the realization that I was going to CAMBODIA. I didn't know what I would do, where I would live, how I would afford it or why I should go there. But God has revealed to me little by little why.

It's b/c of that little girl who was begging on the st. in the rain and without any money I kissed my empty palms and placed them in hers.
It's for that little girl at Daughter's with a snotty nose, and an empty belly who I feed at lunch.
It's for that little boy who was thrust into my arms at the brothel who was on the verge of death who we later were blessed with a hospice AIDS room for.
It's for those motto drivers on the corner who have been financially blessed by us-they can feed their families.
It's for that one Daughter's girl who was raped everynight by her brother in law who we prayed for and she was given a safer place to stay.
And It's for that little boy who I was blessed to feed this past saturday.

it's one child at a time. One patient at a time.
Marilee Dunker, the daughter of the man (don't remember his name) who founded World Vision, said it best at church this last sunday about the injustice in this world; the question isn't what are you gonna do about it, it's WHAT AM I GONNA DO ABOUT IT?

To whom much has been given, much is expected. I have taken that to heart. I now see that it doesn't just mean money, power, or also means love. I have a heart that loves with a mighty wave...therefore I need to use that love. I need to share that love. (plus, honestly if I didn't...I just might explode...)

I do not know what I will do after this year. But I do know that whether it's in the mountains of Pakistan or in the kitchen with a baby on my hip in Winni- I will love with the Love God has poured into me and I will be thankful.

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