Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dwight Schrute and Dog heads

Well, it's Sunday night. And I've had a very happy and FILLED weekend!

E. and I made our way on a little motto to Toul Kork to visit our Canadian (Regina/Calgary) friends to watch the new Office episodes. It was dark, around 7pm, while we tried to find their house so it made it a bit more difficult. You see, in Phnom Penh, NO ONE knows street numbers or house numbers or numbers, really, at all! It's about land marks. So when our friend tells us a street number it means nothing to anyone else except little E. and I.

So we had to turn around a lot and re route and say sorry over and over to our poor, confused motto dop! BUT we found it. They live on the second floor of an apartment. And right outside their apartment is a little restaurant. And guess what they sell? Dog heads!! Yep. We had a little sneak peak of the meal too! E. was pointing it out and I couldn't really believe it until I saw it. So I walked up to this very smelly and hot stove/fire pit and I saw it! A dog's head that was roasted and I think skinned. It's teeth were bared and I don't remember any eye balls or ears cause all I could focus on were these teeth!

We had to walk through the third world practically to get up to their apartment and we watched the three new episodes!! FUNNY. They made cookies for us too by frying the batter in a pan. We have no ovens so this is the way!

Then on saturday we went to the gym/pool and to a foot ball game! Cambodia vs. Brunei. Cambodia won! AND....I gave my phonenumber to a Cambodian sweet heart!! I know I know. Why would I do that? But to tell you the truth; he just sucked me in. He's 23 and goes to uni. And I will never see him again...even if he texts me late at night saying he is lonely!! Shame shame.

Then we went later to a photo exhibition near our home. The photographers were children from the Stung Meanchey landfill. Gorgeous and moving photos from the eyes of children! Of course seeing how it was a combo of Stung Meanchey, Photography, and children...I was in my element. AND E. picked up a kitten and we petted it!! It felt like my birthday I said. .....we love cats. Obv.

Then we went to Church today. The morning and evening service. I have no words to express to you the encouragement I have received from the New Life Church. There are a couple church's here by that name but this one is on St. 318, if you know the city...which I know some of you reading do;)

I am learning of the power of our God and the sadness He holds for Cambodia. He revealed to me that when the rain comes it is His tears flowing down; it is His love. He sends His heart and peace to us everyday to reveal to us that He has not forgotten Cambodia. He is aching and He is crying. He also revealed to me while watching little girls dancing and jumping in church tonight that we are His children. And that when the rains of Love pour down, that we are not just to walk and run for shelter from the wet...but we are to jump in the puddles...we are to be drenched in His love.

We are seen. We are loved. We are free.
Now go and live the Life He has prepared for you!

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