Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas.

I love and miss you all so much!
Here is my Christmas poem to you...

The snow smells good from over here
and your heart warmth is loud and strong;
like it's speaking in Tongues
all while the Hymnal sits comfortably in your palms
I close my eyes just to remember you laughing on the sleigh
And as I open them the music plays quickly
and I see myself in you

Oh, how the Ocean separates!
And a plane couldn't fly me quick enough to you.
My dreams are still our loves salvation road and as you sing your heart song,
I'll sing mine
And tomorrow night when you fill my lonely plate,
I'll lift my eyes to the moon and thank God for this food.

Oh, how the Ocean separates
but oh, thank God for Bethlehem!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The muchly overdue UPDATE!

Merry Winter Time!

Twelve days till Christmas!? I can't believe it! The only change in seasons here is that the rains have stopped and the gorgeous winds have taken the raindrop's place! It's cooling down at night time to around 20 C and up to 30 in the day time. E. and I have been out for more walks at night and we are thoroughly thankful that we aren't drenched in sticky sweat ALL day. We're bringing out the jeans a bit more and even sweaters on some nights!! I think I may get frost bitten in July when I return to Canada's temperatures!

Oh! I still miss ski-doing with Matthew or skating on the river with Lenny or x-country skiing with Uncle Alvin or Loni. I miss sledding with the boys and cozying into bed with a comforter. I miss.....SNOW!! (i actually really do. no sarcasm here. nope!)

Okay, what can I tell you about what's been up with me?? many things.

Well, I've been VERY busy this week. I've been facilitating a YWAM group from Colorado Springs. It was a last minute decision to have them come to Daughter's and Ruth asked me if I would step up. And...I DID!! They have been wonderful. They are teaching workshops on child care i.e. child abuse, hygiene, dental health, baby development, etc. Also they have taught on Domestic Violence i.e. the cycle of violence, what to do, etc. And they most recently spoke about tidiness, cleanliness and organization. Our cake making girls had a full cleaning overall on Thursday afternoon!! Spick and Span, as my mom would say!!

So I haven't been working in the clinic at all this week. It felt a bit strange but I am enjoying the break and the refreshed vision I have for myself. The team is sticking around for 3 more weeks at Daughter's. I am heading out of town for the Christmas Holidays with E.'s family from the 22nd till the 28th of December so I am not sure who's going to facilitate the team while I'm gone. I'm sure it'll all work out.

Everyone here drives with motto s. Everyone. That is the vehicle of the country. There are cars but most everyone has at least one motto per family. One day traffic was especially tight and slow so E. and I hopped off the motto and walked the rest of the way. I got off on the Right side and touched the exhaust!! My leg instantly burned with pain. I had touched my inner calf of my right leg to the exhaust and had burned myself...BADLY. It is okay now but it will scar quite definitely. It's approximately two inches in diameter. Pink, healthy skin. But a mother of a scar!! You'll see it soon!! It is very common for Cambodians to have at least one major burn from a motto. They call it the Kampuchea Kiss. So...I guess I've been branded. Should I count myself lucky?

Ruthie the nurse I work with will leave the second week in January to pursue other Cambodian adventures so I will be running solo (but we all know I really won't be;)). It is not by my power but by God's. I truly believe that. Everything will be fine...

Talk to you later,
from the one with an ugly burn on her not so white legs anymore,
Happy Holidays....