Monday, September 1, 2008

Ace Ventura and Pedro...

Have you ever had a thought or memory enter your mind like days after it happened and it still makes you laugh? It has been happening to me A LOT here. And usually the thought comes to me when I shouldn't be laughing...

For instance; Eileen and I are sitting in church. Right beside Gramma (Marie Ens; the Place of Rescue founder) in the middle of the rows and chairs during a serious message. The Pastor Dude calls up three boys to visualize what he's trying to get across...something about our spirits, minds and bodies. Anyways, that's not the funny part; so we're sitting there and the man is talking away and I'm taking a good look at these boys (it's not that i'm checking them out. no, i do that after church;) seriously though I was a tad bored so it was refreshing to have new faces on stage) And suddenly I realize as soon as I stare at the last boy for a bit that he reminds me of someone...Pedro from Nepolian Dynnamite! I burst out laughing. Like the real embarrassing kind; sort of like the time LJ burst out laughing at a certain someone's funeral!!! Eileen kept asking me what I was laughing at but the more I tried to calm myself down the more I would laugh. Gramma even had to lean over and see what was so funny! ahhh...yes....he was Pedro to the tee; his mouth, his hair and his posture. Too funny. How did I calm myself down? I thought of puppies dying. yes. I am morbid.

One more example of things that make me laugh still;
Okay, so you all know about my moto driver Run, right? Well, somedays our other moto driver Td'ill, the one I have a medium crush on, isn't around! I know, it's sad. Well, anyways we have to find some else to take dear Big EZ (aka Eileen Davidson) which is never a problem. Really! They flock to us like a bug to a lamp. So Eileen has somehow made a new moto driver out of this guy that Run knows; and he looks exactly like Jim Carrey's character from Ace Ventura Pet Detective! It's halarious. Everytime we're driving I look back to see if Eileen hasn't been left behind or something more horrendous and all I see is this dude driving her with these awful buck teeth inside this mouth that is permanently open in the most halarious way and he smiles this geeky smile that almost makes me feel a little bad for him! I laugh, of course, which makes him laugh, which makes me laugh more!! Ahhh, yes. The joys of moto drives by funny looking men.

There, two things that go through my mind on a regular basis that crack me up still. I realize that you probably won't find them as funny seeing how you sort of had to be there...but's worth the share.

And really, I don't have much more to share other then the fact that our power went out at 8:10 pm and took with it our Air Con, fans and lighting....and it's still not on! And it's freakin' 9:34 am right now. That means that two nights in a row we had to sleep buck just to survive!

Our fridge is officially the same temperature as the rest of our house. I had actually fallen asleep in the midst of the heat until Eileen thought it would be a good idea to wake me up and make me go and try and flip the breakers! Yeah, I tried. I even killed a few cockroaches while I was at it! But to no avail...

Love the permanent pit stain lady,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Kim, it's nice to know you are having some good laughs - it is the best medicine!