Tuesday, April 28, 2009

25?! WHAT?

So...it looks like i've crossed to the other side...the side of: the MID-twenties. And let's just leave it at that.

It's been exciting at Daughter's lately. Why? Well...let me tell you!

We had a lovely lady from the States who is a Physiotherapist, come to Daughters. She taught a class to the girls on Thursday dealing with stretching, stress release and posture building exercises. She also came and worked along side me in the clinic on Friday morning with girls who have been having issues with back, neck, wrist and pelvic pain. I learned a lot! (I know Rachel is learning to be an OT, but I really pretended it was you Rach in the clinic with me) She was generous and taught the staff also a bit about posture and relaxation stretches and left with us some great resources and aides. Thanks Marilynne! (spelling is probably wrong)

Daughter's also has been lucky to meet Joanna, a midwife from New Zealand. She's just arrived in Cambodia and is looking for a position dealing with pre-natal as well as post-natal women for possibly a long term position. Her and I have run some clinics together and I've been able to breathe easy when a girl comes with an issue involving her pregnancy b/c I can just turn to Joanna and say; "Please!". She's around my age and very very nice. We've had great talks about our philosophies in working WITH people in the world and she has a gentle yet strong passion for Pregnancy's! I'd like to say that she is my friend!

oh! Before I forget: July 1st, 2009; our date of re-entry into the Great White North!

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