Wednesday, January 14, 2009


It's baby season! I swear! It's like as soon as we hit December the babies started popping!

We've had 4 babies born since December. Three beautiful girls and one precious boy! I just took two more girls to RHAC (reproductive health association of Cambodia, run by USAid) health clinic to have an ultrasound yesterday! Ratanak has been funding the births as well as vitamins/supplements and one ultrasound for each girl. I am so thankful.

It's a magical gift to shower attention and concern onto these mothers who have known none of this before. They are treated with respect and get to see and hear about their baby. They are given a 3-D picture of their little miracle to take home. I feel as if this in itself is showing them and proving to them that even though they can't see with their own eyes and touch with their own hands their children, that their little babies are real. I pray that their husbands will be inspired as well to care for their wives better after hearing and seeing their baby!

We have one girl who is HIV positive and pregnant. She is due next. She may be the cutest woman I've ever seen. She's very young and her belly is SO big! I always come and talk to her tummy and ask it how it's doing in khmer. The mother laughs and thinks I'm quite strange. I have a cousin back in Winnipeg; Lisa-Joy. She is due the exact same day as this precious girl. So when I see this girl grow and complain about her giant belly; i like to think of my cousin. It's kindof a nice gift to have this visual reminder of my cousin. I need you all to pray for this gorgeous girl. I have got her connected to a hospital here that will pay for her birth and give free antiviral meds to her baby as soon as it is born. The baby needs to be delivered in a special hospital and this hospital has agreed to pay for it. They are even willing to take the baby for 6 months to care and nurture it through the time that is most crucial for a child born of a HIV positive mother. Pray that God's hand would be in the baby as it is being delivered and that a miracle would happen; that it would not contract the virus.

I just received an email from a stranger that has without knowing it inspired me with their words. I thank God for the amazing people keeping me in prayer. This particular angel sent me a quote which was EXACTLY what I needed to hear at this particular time. I had been struggling with not doing enough. Not doing big enough things or curing enough or not meeting the girls expectations of a nurse. Oh dear! Will I ever learn that I am NOT enough but He is more then enough for me and all of Cambodia!?

Here's the quote: "Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. It is the intensity of the love we put into our gestures that make them something beautiful for God. Intense love does not measure it just gives."

Thank you. Thank you also to my dear friend who called me yesterday and renewed my vision in Christ. I love you.

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