Saturday, July 26, 2008

Scared a bit?

Yesterday was a tiring day. I recieved an email from my connection at Daughter's of Cambodia yesterday morning that advised Eileen and I that it was unsafe for us to be out and about. There is a National election happening on Sunday and there has been some unrest. Foreigners especially are unsafe. Just as I was reading this email there was a parade down the street for one of the candidates. We were told to run when we came across such parades or if we saw any soldiers. This really had us on edge.

Eileen and I met up with our friend Andrea Schur and her friends from Thailand yesterday. We probably took the most awful Tuk tuk though. We would tell him a street name and he would go in the opposite direction!! Eileen is a great navigator though, and she got us around safely...maybe not soundly though;) On our way back we bought two cellphones. It was quite a relief to finally have a connection to our place of work and to eachother! When we got home and were actually able to phone Daughter's, Ruth spoke a bit more cautiously about the election. She advised us to go to Eileen's friend's house; Marie Ens, which is out of the city and to stay there until after the election. She also thought it a good idea to wait until this blows over before i come and visit Daughter's. Apparantly there is a rumour that there are Vietnamese troops already in Phnom Penh which makes us quite fearful seeing how the Cambodians and Vietnamese have not had a peaceful past. They actually HATE eachother! We were told to run if we saw any sort of activity like that.

There also is some unrest along the Cambodian/Thai border. Thailand wants a temple that is located inside Cambodian boundaries. There are thousands of troops on either side of their borders with gernades, guns, and ammunition. The soldiers are mere metres away from eachother. We read in the newspaper yesterday that they have even begun to dig trenches and to restore old trenches from the Cambodian civil war! Eileen and I were very distraught, as you would probably imagine. We sat in our livingroom and we prayed as hard as we could. I probably have never prayed so hard for discernment, wisdom and safety like that in my life.

We felt better after some supper and we decided it would probably be a good idea to sleep in Eileen's bed again! And it was, because in the morning while we were reading i saw a mouse!!! AND...I killed it! With my journal! I screamed like a girl though.... (We have decided that it sure pays to be Farm Girls!)

We're off to buy supplies. We need to have at least a weeks worth of groceries. Then we're off to Marie Ens' orphanage for a party...and hopefully a sleepover!

Continue to pray for our safety,


Wainwright house said...

Ken wants to know what kind of mouse it was. Did it have a long tail or a short one? Ha Ha, he says. Are you safe? Are you going for a few days or just a sleep over. I hope you will stay a few days. My heart feels motionless with fear for you. Do you have a housekeeper yet? The area is very poor? How far away is your sleep over? How will you get there? How are you able to send messages on your blog? We will get the prayer chain going to help you and Eileen to be safe.
Much love and prayers:
Mom and Ken

Lisa-Joy said...

My Kim,

Ooooo, I'm worried for you! But I know you two will be wise and stay safe. I am so glad that Eileen has been there before and can keep you under her little wing!!!

So, funny.... a stuffed animal!

I love you and think of you every day!!!!

Wainwright house said...

So how are you travelling around, on foot, taxi or is someone picking you up? Maybe a head scraf would hid you from prying eyes! No ideas on what to do about your height. Your mom is off to music camp for 4 days, her prayers go with you. Sent your blog information on to what we call your prayer support here so you might get more comments. Love and Prayers, Ken.

Kimberly Foster said...

hey mom and ken and lj! Everything is fine. No house keeper yet mom, we're working on it though. Eileen and i may be on the most strict diet i've ever had. we have to be careful about portion size right now. so our meals are a bit teeny! Eileen and I visit an internet place to get email. it's about 50 cents for an hour! 2000riels.
we use a tuk tuk, which is a cab powered by a motorcyle at the front. it seats 4 people. we also could use a moto, which is a motorcycle. but we'd need helmets. a couple foreigners have had unfortunate events while riding motos with no helmets. we will heed the cautions.