Monday, July 28, 2008

Joy, finally!

Okay, first of all; I want to let everyone know that we are OKAY! We had a little scare and unfortunetly we were unable to get to the internet due to the election. So I was unable to update you on our position here.

We didn't end up sleeping at Place of Rescue on saturday night at Marie's. We got a van ride back into the city at around 9:30pm, which is the latest we've been out so far and also the latest we've been awake since Canada! Last night Eileen and I had to laugh because we literally can't wait until it's 8pm. I think it's a combo of jet lag and such high and low emotions. I was commenting to Eileen that my eyes are so tired at night. I noticed yesterday when we were walking that my eyes were like bug eyes; peeled WIDE open. I laughed at myself; I can't keep my eyes off these people, this culture, the sites, the sounds, the....smells! We stayed inside all day yesterday and let me tell ya, Eileen and I are REALLY getting to know eachother. We made up this game where we take turns telling eachother everything about our families!! Ha. It sounds boring but when you're living your day meal to meal, any new information sounds so enthralling.

Which brings me to where I am now. After Eileen and I had our little prayer vigil alone on our very stained, very weird, very ugly couch...I felt peace. I believe the combination of your prayers and ours and God's answers have calmed these Foster nerves! And we all know how tight those Foster's can get! On saturday night Eileen was reunited with all of the orphans that she worked with. Tears were flowing. Hugs from the kids were quickly passed from her to me and I actually got the chance to love little Khmer children!! I think that's exactly what I needed. You all know how much I love kids and it was a HUGE encouragement. I would do anything for these gorgeous miracles.

There was a birthday party going on at the orphanage and we had a performance by some very tone deaf children, which when I thought about it made me realize how much more I fit so well into this country! For I am tone deaf too! All those at Camp Nutimik had the pleasure first hand at karaoke night to realize that!!! Anyways, I was sitting there with this little boy on my lap. His dark hair had turned copper at the ends in patches, which I had seen in Peru a bit while i was there in February. Apparantly the discoloration is due to famine or lack of sufficient vitamins in their diets. He was sitting on me and I was hugging him and running my fingers through his hair when I realized that he had a nasty case of... lice! I looked down at my pink shirt and realized he had passed a few little crawleys to me too! And, I looked up and thought to myself..."HA. I don't really care. I'm here. with the mice, the lice and the rats (Eileen almost stepped on a dead mother of a rat yesterday on the street!) And I'm here to do exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm pretending these little ones are my nephews." So I squished those little bugs that had crawlen onto my nice GAP shirt and from that moment on I have fallen in love with Cambodia....

I prayed that God would reveal Cambodia to me through His eyes. That my heart would ache with real sadness for the autrocities that they have somehow over come and also ache with happiness in their triumphs. Brian McCaughley (founder of Ratanak Foundation) was telling me that this is the most stable this country has ever been! I am amazed by that. I am also amazed with these two Canadian girls and so excited for the next 10 months!


Lisa-Joy said...

I love this post!

Wainwright house said...

Hi Kimber!
We are having trouble posting to your blog, it keeps rejecting us but we keep on trying.
Had church at the camp today, I told everyone about your adventure to date, Pastor Tim lead out in prayers for you and we all followed from our own seat as we each saw fit. You will have to give us a snail mail address once you have one, are you running out of Canadian memorobelia yet? Sounds like the local wildlife needs to watch out for you. Glad to hear that the Lord is getting you into place, he will not let you go beyond what he knows you can do or handle so keep praying for guidance. Lots of prayers coming your way even though the postings might not show it.
Love and Prayers from home, Ken.

Dori said...

love ya kim

gretaw said...

Kim--it was so good to see you at the airport the other night and now again to read your blog. It is amazing to hear about how you are falling in love with Cambodia and its people already. Brought me close to tears to read about it. Love you lots & God bless, Greta, xoxo

Anonymous said...

Kim, I am sooo proud of you. You are doing an amazing thing. I was all teary eyed just reading your story about the children. I love the way that you are trusting God. I look forward to more stories!


Calli Strawberry Jam said...

I almost lost your blog in my spam but I'm here and I'm loving it. We're rooting for you from this side of the world as loud as we can.

Anonymous said...

Oh Kimmy I love you and am praying for you. I will pray that the lice doesnt bother you as well! I am so happy that you are safe and i know that God will take care you of everyday. I am thrilled to be able to read your blog! God is using you hugly and it so exciting.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim! We are praying for you daily and I can just picture you with those Cambodian children after seeing you with the little ones in Peru! Know that you are being continuously covered with the prayers of your family and friends. I served with a Cambodian church in Emdonton for about a year and I'm a little envious that you get to see and experience the country I've only heard about from my Cambodian friends! May you experience the power of our God in all your moments of need that your faith may be ever increasing, ever growing, ever expressing. We believe the Lord will use not just your nursing skills, not just your compassion, but also your love for Him to touch the lives of those He brings across your path. 2 Corinthians 4:7-18.
Tim and Heather

Michael Thom said...

Hey Kim! Great posts! I'll be sure to pray for the both of you. I love you're thinking; "they're my nephews", remember that they are HIS sons and daughters!

Peace and Blessings to the both of you!