Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

These past few weeks I have been mulling over the concept of "Mother". When I think of a Mother, I think of: safety, forgiveness, protection, unconditional love, wisdom, gentleness, friendship...and fresh bread....okay, and maybe spankings!

In analyzing my view of a Mother (as I've grown to know from my lovely Mama Mia), I've just begun now in Cambodia to realize that the idea of Mother that I've always thought to be universal is in fact not. Mothers "mother" in very different ways.

For instance; just last week I was shocked to learn that a woman that I have helped throughout her entire pregnancy with emotional, physical, mental and spiritual assistance has sold her baby. That darling little baby boy has been traded in for $300. My tears stung my eyes when i heard. I was enraged and frustrated and confused...."but why?", i asked. I have been presented with a very realistic view of many, not all, but many mothers here who see their children with dollar signs.

I had an opportunity to interview a woman who has been working for Daughters about 2 years. She shared with me her story of being trafficked as a 15 year old girl to a distant province to be used as a loan repayment option by her very own sell her body for money so her mother's debt would be paid.

It makes me confused then; how was I born in Canada? Into a home with parents who adore me? How come she wasn't? Was there a mix up?

I believe that those of us who are the "lucky ones" are expected to share, to help. In Rob Bell's book; Velvet Elvis, he discusses the idea that people who believe in Jesus are not to live their life to get to Heaven, but to live their lives to bring Heaven to earth. I completely agree! And I think that this is what Jesus' goal was; to bring Heaven here. (Don't worry people; i still believe in a place called Heaven too! I just fight with the concept that Heaven is the only goal. Comment if you disagree)

So I believe that the idea of Heaven is extensive. If Heaven to us means union with God, or restoration, then that leaves us with multiple ideas of Heaven. Such as mended relationships, environmental stewardship, justice for the poor, care for the orphaned, peace for the incriminated, freedom for the sinners, and the list goes on and on and on.

This excites me b/c that means that all people, without knowing, are bringing Heaven to earth. As Rob says; "Everything is Spiritual". I believe my cousins Lisa-Joy and John are bringing Heaven to earth by teaching awareness of the pollution affects to the Arctic with the Gunters family business called Frontiers North Adventures. God created us to be stewards of the earth and to care for it. Rob says that "this is why litter and pollution are spiritual issues."

I believe that Brian McConaghy and his staff at The Ratanak Foundation and Ruth Elliot and her team at Daughters of Cambodia are bringing Heaven to earth by assisting in the changing of thousands of lives in Cambodia.

There are many ways people aide in the restoration of our world; Mothers are one of those ways.

Thank you Mom for bringing Heaven to Earth a little bit more by making me! Just kidding! Thanks for being a lovely Mother. Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Kim, I love your post... I love the thought of bringing heaven to earth. I'm interested at how deeply we've all been affected by this.

Check out Jo's blog on this wee baby:

and mine:
