Saturday, May 30, 2009

30 days...

Every Friday, Daughters staff and girls/children join together in the main lobby to worship. For many girls it is the first and only times they may ever be involved in a worship centered around Jesus. It's purely magical.

We sing songs; many of which I do not know. The service is in Khmer and translated into English or visa versa. Usually after we sing the microphone is offered to any girl who wants to share something related to God that is happening in their life. Some girls who are brave share of relationships mending or of forgiveness. It's amazing to hear their testimonies.

Ruth, our director speaks or others who are visiting or working staff are also invited to share some words. Ruth asked me to speak this Friday with short notice but strangely on the motto ride to work I had decided on a topic I would speak on...without knowing I was going to! Ruth recommended the topic of Prayer and that was what I had decided earlier on the motto too!

During the singing I was emotional; looking at all of these women. Singing from their hearts, sitting together with their babies in their laps and most of them breastfeeding as they sang. I was overwhelmed with the obvious spirit of God in the room.

I nervously got up to speak but found that I didn't need to look down to read my written prepared notes. I shared about what prayer is. Who can pray. Why we pray. How we can pray. Then I shared stories of prayers i had prayed in my past. I was honest. I shared about praying that miraculously my parents would love each other again and that when i opened my eyes and walked out to the living room that they would not be divorced. I also shared about praying that my teenage sister's baby would miscarry. i cried and shared with them that God answers sometimes in ways that we don't see. That really my nephew was born to bless me!

After I finished Ruth invited anyone who wanted prayer to come forward...16 girls came forward! Jaymie and i took half the group while Ruth took the rest. Sitting on the tile floors in a circle we prayed for these sobbing women. We prayed for their children's health, healing and support for their HIV positive illness, strength to be a single parent and relational issues regarding their husband's imprisonment.

One women sat down right beside me and took my hand and jabbered away in Khmer to me. My translator said that she was telling me of a dream she had last night. That in the dream she had killed a man. And in the process her hand was severely cut and bleeding profusely. Then in the dream I came to her. I came and told her everything was going to be ok, that she wasn't alone and then I prayed for her!! And her hand was healed!

I was shocked and moved and blessed and happy and...shocked!!!!!!!!!! I had heard from a friend that God speaks to them in their dreams and this was evidence! The fact that I was in her dream to calm her and point her to God made my skin quiver.

Such a beautiful rich blessing for me to cherish during my last 30 days...that God used me to speak the words their wounded hearts needed to hear.

Here am I Lord, use me!

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

I was so moved by that. What a gift and blessing from God to give you that opportunity but also what a gift and blessing you were to the young woman, because of Him, of course. And so amazing how present the Holy Spirit was and how responsive they were. I'm praying everyday for you and everyone at Daughters. That was just too wonderful.